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What is the New Chronology?

As we draw inspiration from numerous courageous researchers in the "alternative" history community, History Hacked is particularly indebted to Russian mathematician Anatoly Fomenko, and his historical theory known as the New Chronology. In essence, the New Chronology proposes that our widely accepted historical timeline, preceding the 1600s, is severely flawed. According to this hypothesis, the purported 6,000 years of "ancient" history are nothing more than the fictional reimagining of actual events that took place between 900 and 1600 AD. These events were assigned different dates and locations, effectively fabricating a fictional historical timeline.

Joesph Scaliger's De Emendatione Temporum took the recent history of the Middle Ages and, on paper, shifted the stories back hundreds, if not thousands of years.

New Chronology is the most plausible history

The New Chronology, in its fundamental essence, examines the contradictions and inconsistencies inherent in our currently accepted timeline, employing cutting-edge forensic and mathematical sciences. The widely embraced 6,000-year version of history based on BC/AD dating, known as Scaligerian Chronology, was formulated by Joseph Justus Scaliger, a monk from the late 16th century. His groundbreaking work, titled De Emendatione Temporum (Study on the Improvement of Time), for the first time introduced a chronology that closely resembles our modern understanding, restricting all subsequent historical research to this flawed paradigm.

Despite its purported scientific basis, Scaligerian Chronology is riddled with

numerous gaps and contradictions, many of which have been exposed by Fomenko and his team. Responding to the request of Moscow State University, Fomenko and his colleagues embarked on the most extensive official audit of historical documents and artifacts ever undertaken. Their findings are truly astonishing.

Why should we listen to Anatoly Fomenko?

Joseph Scaliger, often regarded as the pioneer of modern history, faced widespread ridicule and accusations of fraud during his lifetime. However, we unquestioningly accept his version of events. But what about Fomenko? Why should we lend an ear to him? It is undeniable that his credentials far surpass Scaliger's.

Fomenko's research into historical chronology employed cutting-edge methods. A vast compilation of historical records was meticulously categorized based on hundreds of numeric variables. By analyzing statistical correlations, it was revealed that all accounts pertaining to Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, Medieval Britain, Judea, Babylon, Egypt, and numerous other civilizations were essentially fabricated replicas of the medieval Byzantium Empire between 1000 and 1600 AD. These false duplicates had their names, locations, and dates altered to deceive a largely uninformed population into believing they were witnessing "ancient" or local history. The key chronicles from bygone eras were scrupulously examined, and in almost every instance, they could be directly attributed to the writings of French and Italian Jesuit monks living in the Middle Ages, and in some cases, fictitious authors from the Renaissance period. Not a single document exists that can be reliably authenticated as being older than 1,000 years, and the oldest surviving documents paint a vastly different picture of our past.

Fomenko's Chronolgical Map

To visually convey his work, Fomenko dedicated six years to crafting a "global chronological map." This remarkable document intricately connects fictitious "ancient" civilizations and their royal dynasties to their actual medieval counterparts. Spanning an impressive 19 meters, the map encapsulates over 6,000 years of history, boasting an unprecedented scope.

How to Research Fomenko's Work

Are you interested in delving into the methodology and findings of Anatoly Fomenko and the New Chronology team? Thankfully, years of Fomenko's historical research have been made available for public access. The majority of these publications can be freely read in Russian on Fomenko's website. An English version of his website is also accessible here,. However, please note that certain publications have yet to be translated into English, so it is advisable to explore the Russian language site using a web browser equipped with auto-translation capabilities.


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