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History Repeated? Math Proves History Is Made of Duplicates of Phantom Dynasties

According to Anatoly Fomenko, "only through the use of mathematical statistics can we achieve a truly objective analysis of ancient texts." Fomenko's New Chronology team was the first to apply these empirical statistical methods to the extensive historical source material on which our current understanding of history is based.

Fomenko's Global Chronological Map, 19 meters. long, covers 6,000 years of history.

The team meticulously analyzed numerous chronicles and manuscripts, assigning objective numerical values to events described in each chronicle based on 34 criteria. These criteria included the lifespan or reign of rulers, intervals between periods of peace and war, years between famines, and more. By assigning numerical values to these events, correlations between dynasties became evident, even when separated by thousands of years or vast distances. The results of this method left Fomenko himself astonished.

Shown below is a graph representing a section of Fomenko's Global Chronological Map. It displays two distinct historical dynasties through a chronological list of their respective rulers. The number next to each ruler's name and the distance from the central axis indicate the duration of their reign over their kingdom or empire. The closer a name is to the center, the shorter the ruler's reign, and vice versa. In the graph below, we compare the biblical Kingdom of Israel to the Eastern Roman Empire. A clear correlation emerges when the durations of consecutive rulers are plotted. Such a similarity would be highly unlikely to occur by chance alone.

Dynastic parallelism between the biblical Kingdom of Israel and the Eastern Roman Empire.

Perhaps this relationship between these two dynasties can be attributed a rare coincidence? Well, this parallelism exist for nearly every dynasty in the historical record! Below, are a few more examples..

The Holy Roman Empire of 936 - 1273 AD vs. the Western Roman Empire of 37 BC - 235 AD

The German Nation of the Holy Roman Empire of 926 - 1155 AD vs. the Kingdom of Israel, 922 - 720 BC.

The Carolingian Empire of 681 - 888 AD vs. the Eastern Roman Empire of 37 - 527 AD

Byzantine Empire 379 - 1448 AD vs. England 642 - 1327 AD

It is understandable to be initially skeptical given the radical revisionism such data implies. However, critics can verify this information with their own research and easily reproduce these graphs independently.

Read more about Fomenko's research on Dynastic Parallelism here.


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