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Were the Ancient Egyptians Middle Age Christians?

One of the major inaccuracies in the widely accepted chronological framework is the belief that "Ancient" Egypt existed approximately 5,000 to 2,500 years ago. Anatoly Fomenko's New Chronology challenges this notion, suggesting that the era of Dynastic Egyptians occurred much closer to our present time. This raises the question: How could such a discrepancy be possible?

Isis and Horus vs Mary and Christ.

So, who were the individuals we typically associate with the pyramids, pharaohs, sarcophagi, and hieroglyphics in ancient Egypt? According to the New Chronology, these Egyptian dynastic rulers were actually a relatively unknown culture referred to as the Mamluks in modern history. The Mamluks were a group of pre-Coptic "Pagan" Christians who conquered the region during the mid-13th century as part of the Mongol Yoke and held power until the late 1700s when Napoleon's army invaded the country.

How can we make such an outrageous claim? Keep reading.

Astronomical Dating of Egyptian Zodiacs

One of the primary techniques employed by the New Chronology to establish accurate dating for the era of Dynastic Egypt and other ancient civilizations is the analysis of Zodiacs attributed o these so-called "ancient" cultures.

Zodiac found in Dendera, Egypt describes a celestial environment that only could have occurred on March 20th, 1185 AD. source

Zodiacs serve as highly reliable calendars as they depict the positions of visible planets relative to the constellations they transit, as observed from Earth. For instance, if an "ancient" Zodiac indicates Mars in the Taurus constellation, Jupiter in Pisces, and Saturn in Sagittarius, the exact alignment can be precisely calculated using modern star charts. Anatoly Fomenko's research team discovered 37 such Zodiacs associated with "Ancient" Egypt that yield unique and valid astronomical solutions ranging from 1000 AD to as late as the 1700s AD.

This method of utilizing contemporary celestial mapping to date the "ancient" Zodiacs is open-source and can be readily tested for accuracy by historians and critics of the New Chronology. While many outright dismiss the New Chronology as mere fantasy, they opt to ignore Fomenko's analysis of these "ancient" Zodiacs rather than engaging in a direct challenge to the concept.

Artifacts That Can Not Be 3,000 - 5,000 Years Old

It is widely acknowledged that the dynastic Egyptians were a highly advanced civilization, capable of constructing awe-inspiring structures. However, even more remarkable is their ability to produce paint pigments, parchment, wood sculptures, and durable ropes that have endured long past the expected lifespan of organic materials according to modern scientific understanding. Below, we can observe several examples of artifacts that should not have withstood the test of time, including the fragment of rope used to seal the tomb attributed to King Tutankhamun..

Got 3000 year old wood?

The Pharaohs Worshipped Christ

For those with eyes to see, Christian symbolism is engrained in the art and writing of the "Ancient" Egyptians, with their anthropomorphized animal gods merely being representation of early Christian Saints.

Even the well known Egyptian Ankh is merely a proto representation of the Coptic Christian cross.

Egyptian Ankh (Top) vs. Coptic Crosses (Bottom)

These are just a few examples how Dynastic Egyptian culture existed in the Middle Ages and how their unique culture was a representation of an early form of royal Christianity. If you would like to go deeper into the dating of Dynastic Egypt, here are some links to Fomenko's analysis:


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